It’s Release Day! Unclear Purposes
Check out Joan Hall’s latest book release. The third and final novel in the Driscoll Lake Series. I’ve just picked up my copy! …
The day has finally arrived! The third and final book of my Driscoll Lake Series is now available in eBook format with the paperback version soon to come. I’m happy to see this day arrive, yet sad …
A huge congratulations, Joan!!
Thank you so much, Jan! It’s an exciting time.
Thanks, Jan 😊
Congratulations, Joan. Thanks, Harmony for hosting
Thank you for the warm wishes, John!
Thanks, John 🙂
Yay for Joan!
Thanks for sharing, Harmony.
You’re making the rounds today. Thank you for your continued support, Staci.
Thanks, Staci 🙂
Thanks for sharing this, Harmony!
You’re welcome, Joan. Best of luck 🙂