Harmony’s Book Theft on Amazon continues and New Book Store!
Hi everyone!
First of all, a very belated Happy New Year! 🥳
Secondly, do you like my big, long, curly wig?!?!
Now, the reason for my delay in getting back to you: Unfortunately, my gorgeous Grandson gave me a sickness bug which hit me around 4 days into the new year after a couple of days of feeling wobbly, which though it lasted only three days, it left me with acute gastroenteritis and a raw stomach.
That meant three days of cold turkey off all of my medication and two weeks on a bland diet (yuk) and still unable to take the most important of my medication relating to pain relief and symptom easing. All of which to say, I’ve been out of it and have needed a lot of recovery time.
Some good news!
Whilst I’ve been recovering, my brain came back faster than my body. So, with enforced bed rest, I got on my laptop and iPad and did some researching into Amazon alternatives, seeing as they keep letting sellers sell my paperbacks without my permission after A TON of emails back and forth. I still need to decide between straight D2D or Smashwords, which is linked to D2D. I’m leaning towards Smashwords, linked to D2D. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Even better news!
Anyhoo … I found this great software, which has lots of fab and fun things in there.(More on the software on a later post!) I had an old product of theirs, and as part of their brand new massive suite, they now have a V2 of the old software plus lots and lots more, which gives me the option of a personal store or a simple, quick and easy, all done-for-you option for a standard store, which is what V1 offered. (And, no, I’m not selling anything!)
What makes this Great?
Take a look at my new sales page, independent of Amazon and with lots of payment options: https://harmonykenthub.com. While I did successfully active Stripe payment options as well as credit card and PayPal, Stripe has decided not to play ball for some unknown and, I’m sure, profound reason! 😉 I love the look of the store, and the software made this so easy to set up.
One snag and One guess who’s responsible:
For now, the store is able to offer PDF downloads only due to Amazon doing something at their ‘back end’ (appropriate term, don’t you think!?🤪🤣), but the software’s tech team is working on a solution to get us publishing and downloading ePubs to Amazon as well as the independent store, oh and audiobooks too, yay!
Price Rises:
After keeping my ebook prices low for years, and seeing the industry charging often over £10 and upwards more, I’ve decided to raise my prices a little—especially with the royalties about to drop by half on Amazon as each book is no longer part of Kindle Select—of course, they’ll always be at least a pound/dollar cheaper on my own store. Feeling my way forward with this and will wait to see what happens. I’m fed up of the expectation that indie authors charge the minimum allowed on Amazon of 2.99 outside of promotions, when the traditional publishers charge so very much more. We work so hard to make our books, and we deserve a decent income from the sales of our hard work. I have limits on what I’ll pay, and so many customers don’t care. Also, if it’s an author I know and trust, I have more flexibility on what I’ll pay. How it will work does depend on how big and loyal a customer base I have, yes, and still it’s time for me to make changes after 12 years or so of charging the same. What about inflation? We’re affected too.
In the Meantime …
I have a bunch of personal stuff to take care of, and then ned to sort out the mess with my books on the big A and upload them elsewhere. After that’s sorted, I promise I’ll be back and will get to your blogs at least once a week whenever I can! And I can’t wait to show you all the great things I have planned using the new tools I now have, which have opened so many doors for me and given me options when my illness has closed so many doors.
That’s it from me for now, and I’d love to hear from you in the comments.
Oh boy, do I miss you all! Hopefully, once I’ve moved my books, and got an updated prescription from yet another new medicinal cannabis clinic sorted out, I’ll be able to be around online more again. Also, I hope that once I get that dosage where I need it, I can start to reduce some of the nastier pharmaceutical meds I’m taking, which have unpleasant side effects. And I can’t wait to join you all, even though I’ll be starting afresh as a catch up after this long is, of course, impossible and counterproductive to getting live with you all again! 🙋♀️👋💕
It was great to see a post from you, Harmony. I’m sorry to hear that you were sick and in bed, but did you ever use the time successfully. It sounds like you’re making headway with all the Amazon troubles. Best of luck getting it all sorted once and for all! Hugs.
Thanks so much, Diana! Back in bed ill. Suspect the docs didn’t give me enough time to heal last time. But I’m doing what I can still.
I keep hearing about your new book and can’t wait to read it. Might take a while to get there but I’m determined. You always entertain!
Wishing you lots of success! Hugs 🤗💗
Wonderful to see you, Harmony. My goodness you’ve been through so much. But here you are with such grace and strength. Sending you huge (((hugs))) and positivity for all the beautiful blessings that will reach you. You are pure light! xo
Oh, Natalie, huge thanks and appreciation! Your kind words mean so much. I’m I’ll again with the raw stomach … suspect the two weeks the docs said to be on a bland diet wasn’t long enough. If this happens again I’m going to have to go in and actually see somebody.
Wonderful to see you too! Hugs 🤗💗
Good to hear from you Harmony. Sounds like you caught a flu virus that is rampant here with everyone I know including me until last week. Love the wig! And ugh, friggin Amazon. What a feat. I don’t envy you, but I admire your efforts. I’ll check out your bookstore. <3
Thanks so much, Debby, and great to hear from you too! I’m working as much as I can in the background and will, hopefully, have some more great news soon. Once I’m there enough to split my energy, as it were, I’ll be online at least once a week if not more to do my best to keep touching base. Sorry you’ve been unwell too. Hope you’re all better now!Hugs 🤗💗
Harmony, I’m so sorry to hear about your difficulties. I’m considering pulling all of my EPUBs from Amazon and republishing through D2D. I’ve recently learned that D2D and Smashwords are uniting. Bookshop.org has started selling EPUBs published through Ingram Spark and D2D. Amazon isn’t the only game in town. I see you’re selling your books directly. What a great move. I wish you all the best. ~Colleen~
Thanks so much, Colleen.Does bookshop.org charge fees, and if so at what percentage? All the best 🙂
As others have said, it’s so good to hear from you, Harmony. You’ve been missed. Glad you are getting your books sorted out as well as personal things. And hope you are feeling up to par again soon!
Thanks so much, Jan. I’ve a long road but at least it’s progress … I’m reminded of the tortoise and the hare! I’ve missed you all too. I appreciate your support and encouragement 🤗💗
It is wonderful to get caught up. How amazing for you that you are able to give the dastardly ones in your life a reason to regret ever messing with you. Carry on, we’ll leave the porch light on for you.
Oh, Annette, that porch light is exactly what I need! Thanks deeply with hugs 🤗💗
Great to see you back here again, Harmony. Sorry to hear you’ve been sick but it looks like you put the downtime to good use.
I’m still in the thick of it but do what I can when I can. Thanks for your lovely words and support, Darlene! Hugs 🤗💗
It’s great to hear from you. Sorry you’ve been sick, but I’m glad you’re on the road to recovery. I love the new wig. I’ve been thinking of one myself, being that my hair is thinning, and I get tired of wearing hats or caps.
Best of luck with your new book sales.
Definitely wig up, Joan! It’s so upmuch fun and way less stressful than trying to cover those thin spots 😉.
It’s lovely to see you and wishing you all the best 🤗💗
So sorry you’ve been unwell, Harmony, but it’s good to have you back.
Thanks so much, Vivienne! I’m fighting so hard to crawl and drag my way back, in whatever form that ends up taking. 💗🤗
So good to hear from you, Harmony! More and more I hear about issues with indie authors and Amazon. Just read about issues yesterday with an author whose book is scheduled to release 2/14. Checked out your hub and it looks great!
I’m thrilled you love the new hub! It’s sad what’s happening to your friend with her release coming up. It’s lovely to hear from you too, Teri! 🤗💗
I was so happy to see your name appear in my emails! Sometimes the body forces us to rest so we can rise again. I have Smashwords. I’ve been with them since around 2014, I think. I’m slowly moving my books out of Amazon’s unlimited program so I can put them on Smashwords as well. I like that they push the books out to multiple retailers. I don’t know much about D2D, so I can’t help you with that. Hope to see you around more often! XOXO
Yvette M Calleiro 🙂
Thanks, Yvi. I am leaning towards Smashwords. I only have a couple of books left until March on Kindle Select, and the final two come off in the next week or two. It’s great to ‘see’ you, and I promise to keep in touch as I can. It’s very much a do then rest pattern. Hugs 🤗💗
Your wig reminded me of a Royal Court setting somewhere in France. It might even be in the sun. Anyway, it is good to hear from you, and I sincerely hope that all your med issues get sorted out. Your good news means you can control what is going on with your books, which is excellent. I’ll be looking forward to reports on how it is going. In the meantime, you remain in my prayers each day.
Lols. I love that image, John. It’s lovely to hear from you too! I’ll be sure to keep you all updated 🤗💗
This was a nice surprise. I’m sorry you still have ongoing struggles, but it sounds like you’re on the mend and have a plan in place.
Thanks so much, Craig. That means a lot! I hope you’re doing well. 🤗💗
How wonderful to awaken to your post, Harmony! I’m ever so glad to hear of your new developments – personal and professional. You’ve had quite a journey and emerged with hope in hand. BTW, your wig prompts a happy smile – beautiful. Sending much love and plenty of virtual hugs…
I’m so pleased my new wig brings a smile. It makes me grin every time I put it on, lols. Thanks so much for your kind words, Gwen. Hugs 🤗💗
I love your wig, Harmony – hope you’re feeling better soon and good luck with all your book initiatives. Toni x
Yay! Thanks so much, Toni 🤗💗
A very Belated Happy New Year Sweetie. How nice to see you back after such a nasty bout of illness. I’m sorry you’ve had such a dire time of it. I must confess, there were doubts that I would still be here to greet you but that’s a story for another time.
I’m sorry you seem to be having so many problems with your books on Amazon, I have always been lucky so far and found them very good.I published through Lulu too and that’s been good apart from sorting taxes I should not have paid as a UK resident.
I hope you get a new CBD sorted that allows you to remove meds that have nasty side effects, and that you’re back full power very soon.
Huge Hugs
I’m so pleased to see you still around! Thanks for your lovely words. Sending huge hugs to you too! 🤗💗