Harmony is on tour! Day 2
Hi everyone. I released my latest novel, The Vanished Boy, this weekend and this week I’m on tour! Today, I’m with Staci Troilo. I’d be delighted if you came to visit …
Staci’s blog: https://stacitroilo.wordpress.com/2021/04/13/the-vanished-boy/
A little bit about Staci, a fellow author and friend …
“Bonus! Ten (Little Known?) Facts About Me
In addition to being an award-winning author, I’m an award-winning recipe developer. I think I got that skill from my grandmother. We both love cooking and baking, especially for family.
- When I had my wisdom teeth removed, the surgeon insisted I’d feel like my cheeks were sewn to my gums but assured me they wouldn’t be and the feeling would pass. My parents grew increasingly frustrated with me over the week I was recovering because I couldn’t open my mouth. They thought I was “being overly dramatic” and I should just deal with the pain and use my mouth. Guess what… my cheeks were in fact sewn to my gums. It’s unheard of, but if it could happen to anyone, it would happen to me.
- Speaking of teeth…I’ve never had a cavity. Ever. Baby teeth or permanent teeth.
- I adore my pets. I know; most pet owners do. But it might interest you to know I never had a pet until we got first Casey, then Max, and finally Lucky. I had a pet-free childhood. Not even a goldfish.
- I can still do a split. Enough said.
- I play the clarinet, although I’m pretty rusty right now. (Use it or lose it, and I haven’t been using it lately.
- I taught myself how to type. You can’t really be a writer hunting-and-pecking the keys.
- While most of my work is inspired by my Italian heritage, I’m also part Irish, Scottish, German, and Swedish. (All from Dad’s side. Mom is full-blooded Italian.) I’m working on integrating more of my dad’s side into my work. (My serial Laci and Del series focuses on the Irish heritage, but I haven’t explored those roots too much yet.)
- I could spell “Valentine” by the time I was three.
- The first time I earned four-figures from freelancing, it was actually a ghost-writing job, so my name isn’t even on the project.”
Those were fun to learn about Staci! 🙂
That’s great. Thanks, Yvi 🙂
Well, that’s one heck of an intro. lol
Thanks, Harmony. Glad to have you at my site today. I hope it brings you a lot of attention!
Thanks so much, Staci! 🙂
Fun bunch of facts. I’ll catch the book post next.
Thanks, Craig 🙂
Headed that way now. Loved hearing more about Staci!
Thanks, Joan 🙂
Headed to Staci’s blog now, Harmony!
And I loved the collection of “getting to know her” facts.
Thanks, Mae 🙂