End of Day has come!

Hello everyone. Today is release day for Mae Clair’s second book in the Hode’s Hill Series: End of Day! I read this as an ARC, and also bought it on pre-order, which hit my e-reader today 🙂

Here’s my review:


The past is never truly buried. Nor can history be changed, no matter how much you might want it remembered differently.

End of Day is the second book of the Hodes Hill Series but works well as a standalone novel. The main characters differ from those in book 1, but a common character thread runs throughout, giving the MCs from book 1 a more minor role in book 2 and bringing previously low-key characters to the fore in book 2.

The narrative switches back and forth between historical time and present day and is easy to follow. The story opens with a bang and keeps going at a good pace. It has a great first line: ‘They were coming.’ Which grabbed me right off the bat. The story has an excellent historical feel, and the writer clearly knows her stuff. On the whole, apart from overuse of sentences beginning with ‘ing’ ending words, the writing is clean with few errors and flows well. Another line that I loved was; ‘Elation displaced anger, sweeping the vinegar of fear from the chapel.’ The author comes up a few lines that stand out like this. 

The plot and suspense are well laid out, and I didn’t guess the origin of the plague or answer the other questions until the author revealed them. 

This is a great supernatural mystery/thriller which I greatly enjoyed. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.


A huge five-stars from me and well worth a read!


If you’d like a copy, the Amazon links are:

UK …  https://www.amazon.co.uk/End-Hodes-Hill-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B07CKFDQ18/

US … https://www.amazon.com/End-Hodes-Hill-Novel-Book-ebook/dp/B07CKFDQ18/

Story Empire (Co-authored)

Harmony’s Amazon Author Page

Twitter: @harmony_kent

LinkedIn: Harmony

Goodreads: Author Page

17 Comments on “End of Day has come!

  1. I’m so excited for you, Mae. Congratulations! I have both books on my Kindle and look forward to reading them by the fireplace these next two weeks! Thank you, Harmony, for the powerful spotlight you shined on End of Day. Mae’s writing is most deserving! 😊

  2. This new story from Mae arrived on my Kindle yesterday and I am anxious to open it! I am a huge fan of Mae’s writing and know this one will be just as awesome as the first Hode’s Hill mystery!

    • That’s great, Jan. I’m sure you’ll love it! Thanks for stopping by and supporting Mae 🙂

  3. Harmony thanks so much for splashing my book on your lovely blog and sharing your review. I so appreciate the help in spreading the news of my latest release.

    And I’m glad you’re enjoying my little fictional town of Hode’s Hill! 🙂