Empty Planet ‘Fiction In A Flash Challenge’ Week #34 NEW Image Prompt. Join in the fun! #IARTG #ASMSG @pursoot #WritingCommunity
Hi everyone! It’s that time of the week again …fun flash fiction from Suzanne Burke. This week’s theme led me down a poetic path.
Here’s the poem I came up with >>>

Empty Planet
Only the elephants remember
The last dying embers
Of the human race
Mother Nature has embraced
And reclaimed
Her empty planet, maimed
Tentative, new born
The sun shines on this brave dawn
Clean water, glorious fresh air
Because they remember, the elephants dare
And Life begins again
As this empty planet nature does reclaim
© Harmony Kent 2021
I’d love to know what you think of this poetic piece … so please don’t be shy and leave me a reply.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Image by Comfreak from Pixabay
The rules:
Please put your entry (or a link to it) in a comment HERE or email it to Sooz at her email address. by DEADLINE: 4pm EDT on Thursday, February 4th. Subject: Fiction in a Flash Challenge. If you post it on your own blog or site, a link to THIS page would be much appreciated.
UPDATE: The response to the prompts has been just wonderful. As a result, Soooz be sharing all entries received, and her own contribution on her blog AS SHE RECEIVES THEM. Rather than posting all of them only over a few days.
Find Sooz at …
Beautiful and sad at the same time. I loved it, Harmony.
I hope things never get that bad. So glad you enjoyed it, Denise 🙂
This is such a beautiful depiction of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, Harmony.
Thanks, Jan. So pleased you like the poem 🙂
Beautifully written, Harmony. I love what you did with the image prompt.
Thanks so much, Mae 🙂
A powerful Poem, Harmony. Make me wish I was a member of a different species.
I can surely understand that sentiment! Thanks, John 🙂
I love the promise in this poem and the prompt, Harmony- lovely!
Thanks so much, Jacquie. It’s unusual for me to linger on the light side, lols. Delighted you enjoyed the poem 🙂
Love this moving take on the prompt, Harmony. I have it scheduled it for sharing on my blog a little later today.🤗
Thanks so much, my friend! Hugs 💕🙂
Extraordinary, Harmony. I love your poem! 💗
Thank you so much, Gwen. I love that you love it 🙂💕
Excellent response to the image prompt (and isn’t it a beautiful image?), awesome poem.:-)
I’m in love with this image! So delighted you enjoyed the poem so much. Thanks, Priscilla 🙂
This is beautiful, Harmony! 🙂
So happy you like the poem. Thanks, Yvi 🙂