Don’t Talk Like That: How to Write Good Dialogue–Tags & Beats

Hi everyone. I have the second on a series of posts on how to write good dialogue over at Story Empire >>>



Hi SErs! Harmony here 🙂 Today, I’d like to take another look at dialogue. Because this is such a large topic, I have spread the topic over a few posts. As the post title suggests, we’ll…

Source: Don’t Talk Like That: How to Write Good Dialogue–Tags & Beats

2 Comments on “Don’t Talk Like That: How to Write Good Dialogue–Tags & Beats

  1. Thank you very much, Harmony! Very enlighening, and wonderful advices, i hope i will keep in mind for my future projects. Have a nice day! Best wishes, Michael

    • So pleased you enjoyed the post. Thanks so much, Michael. Hugs and wishes for a lovely weekend 🙂