#CoverReveal: Eventide by Mae Clair (Hode’s Hill Series)

Hi everyone. today, it gives me great pleasure to host author Mae Clair with her latest book, Eventide. I’ve read End of Day and Cusp of Night, the first two books in the series and loved them both. I’m now eagerly awaiting the release of Eventide. Today, Mae Clair reveals the book cover …. drum roll, please >>>

Book cover for Eventide, a Hode's Hill novel by Mae Clair shows an old abandoned house in a wash of blue tones

Release Date: December 31, 2019 Genre: Supernatural Thriller / Suspense /Mystery Publisher: Kensington Publishing โ€ข Lyrical Underground Imprint

As with the first two novels in the Hode’s Hill series, Eventide features a dual timeline with two mysteriesโ€”one set in the present, one in the 1800sโ€”that intertwine at the end. Blurb: The darkness is coming . . . The old house near Hodeโ€™s Hill, Pennsylvania is a place for Madison Hewitt to start overโ€”to put the trauma of her husbandโ€™s murder, and her subsequent breakdown, behind her. She isnโ€™t bothered by a burial plot on the property, or the mysterious, sealed cistern in the basement. Not at first. Even the presence of cold spots and strange odors could be fabrications of her still troubled mind. But how to explain her slashed tires, or the ominous messages that grow ever more threatening? Convinced the answer lies in the past, Madison delves into the history of the homeโ€™s original owners, only to discover the origin of a powerful evil. An entity that may be connected to a series of gruesome attacks that have left police baffled. No matter where she turnsโ€”past or presentโ€”terror lingers just a step away, spurred on by a twisted obsession that can only be satisfied through death…

Eventide is available for pre-order through this Universal Purchase Link and available to add to your Goodreads to-be-read list here.

The first two Hode’s Hill novelsโ€”Cusp of Night and End of Dayโ€”can be read as stand-alones, but Eventide is best enjoyed with the knowledge of what occurred in End of Day. There is still plenty of time to catch up with the series as Eventide does not release until December 31st. Books 1 and 2 are available through the links below: Cusp of Night End of Day

Connect with Mae Clair at BOOKBUB and the following haunts:

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21 Comments on “#CoverReveal: Eventide by Mae Clair (Hode’s Hill Series)

  1. Love the new cover, Mae. That house conveys isolation and secrets so beautifully. That blurb is a killer … (if you’ll pardon the expression) I often find the blurb more difficult to write than the book. You’ve nailed this one. Reblogging this exciting reveal. Thanks to Harmony for hosting today.

    • Soooz, I am so thrilled to hear that both the cover and the blurb did their job. An isolated setting does fit into the story. I hope you will find it intriguing. Thanks for sharing in my cover reveal excitement!

    • Yes, those blurbs take a lot of thought, Soooz. And I agree, this one is great. Thanks, Soooz ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Oh how exciting!! I love this cover. It really gives off a spooky vibe. As with all of Mae’s stories, I just know I will love this one too! Thanks for sharing, Harmony!

  3. Love the new cover, Mae:) The house really pulls you in! Have my copy ordered.

    • Denise, I am thrilled to hear that. Thank you for the pre-order and I hope you enjoy the story. I’m also delighted to hear the cover does it’s job. Made my day!

    • I’m looking forward to reading this final book in the series, and like you, I love the cover and blurb. Thanks, John ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Harmony, thanks so much for hosting me today with my cover reveal. I’m excited about this book and thrilled to know you’re looking forward to it. Thanks for all of your fantastic support!

    • Youโ€™re so welcome, Mae. Seeing as youโ€™re always supporting folks, itโ€™s got to be your turn now. Best of luck! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. Best wishes to Mae on the upcoming book. I’ve enjoyed the first two books in the series and look forward to reading this one when it arrives.