Co-Authorship a View in Four Parts – Part One

Hi everyone. John has a great post on Co-Authoring over at Story Empire today. Well worth checking out >>>


Hi, SE ers John here. Today I’m going to kick off a four-part series of posts on co-authorship. I will begin the subject by discussing the elements of co-authorship. Then on January 15th Gwe…

Source: Co-Authorship a View in Four Parts – Part One

4 Comments on “Co-Authorship a View in Four Parts – Part One

  1. I’ve just been over there, Harmony, but I’d have been pleased with the tip if I hadn’t! I always watch for your emails, whether they are about book reviews or the latest on Story Empire.

    John’s is a fascinating article I’d like to reblog, but I’ll leave it a while or it will display Jan’s day too quickly. She’s still getting views, though I noticed you looked this morning and saw she’d responded to comments after I said goodnight. 🙂

    I hope you’re feeling better. It’s snowing here – from a very grey, threatening, sky!

    • Awww, Sarah, that is so lovely of you to say. Thank you.

      I’m feeling a little better on the new meds, but the breathing is still not at a hundred percent. Fingers crossed. No snow here, yet, but lots of ice. I’m loving the sunny days, though!

      Hugs xx 🙂