
Me again!

Today marks my eighth day of writing, and I’ve produced 2,800 words, making my overall total 28,238!

I plan on taking the weekend off, but who knows what inspiration might strike?!?

To close up the week, here’s another excerpt for you …


He rubbed his chin. ‘Oh God, it all gets so complicated. What it boils down to is we get on so well together. Yeah?’

‘Yeah. I like spending time with you.’

He grinned. ‘Me too. With me, I mean.’

That earned him another wallop with the cushion. He put his glass on the table and snatched the soft weapon from her. Unsure what he would do next, Emma hurried to get her tumbler to safety as well, and just in time too. John gave her an impish look. ‘You ticklish?’

Emma screeched, ‘Don’t you dare.’

He came at her with the cushion and smothered her beneath it. Her up-held arms gave no defence. She couldn’t fight for laughing. Then his questing fingers snuck to her ribs, and she writhed about, helpless. Ticklish didn’t come anywhere near covering it.

Breathless and giggling, she begged, ‘Stop. I can’t breathe.’

Mercifully, he let up and sat watching her, grinning. She dove forward and pinched some arm hair and pulled. Implacable, he just sat there. ‘Doesn’t hurt,’ he said.

‘No fair,’ she told him. ‘You don’t have anything I can get you with.’ Then she tried to tickle him. Again, no reaction. ‘Men!’

Their eyes locked, and their moods sobered. Tentative, he leant in and kissed her lightly on the mouth.


The resultant book will be Erotic Romance.

She’s a hopeful actress.

He’s a mentor.

Then there’s the big man who can make or break a career, and the demands he makes.

Watch this space! 🙂 

Twitter: @harmony_kent 

Harmony Kent Author Page: Amazon


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