
My fifth day of writing and 3,600 words written. That’s 20,100 so far! πŸ™‚

The last three days ended up being non-writing days, and I’m so pleased to have managed to get some good writing time in today despite interruptions.

Here is an excerpt for you …

Mel called out to her, β€˜Emma, could you come here for a minute?’

Though her gut instinct insisted that she walk on and ignore the woman, Emma didn’t want to antagonise her any further, so she complied. Mel stood at the mirror, touching up her lipstick. Someone shuffled behind the privacy screen; probably one of the OAP group come early.

Mel finished up and turned to face Emma. Her smiled looked forced. β€˜I just wanted to say well done and all that.’ Then she walked to the open doorway. β€˜Really, you deserve everything you get.’ With those ominous words, she exited the room and closed the door behind her. Emma stood forΒ  a moment, trying to work out the implications of her words. Not for a minute did she believe that Mel had referred to the gig she’d just landed.

Movement from the privacy screen gave her the answer. Derek Prentis stepped out from behind it, adjusting himself through his suit trousers. Emma flashed a smile and moved for the door. She didn’t get there fast enough. As before, he pinned her against it, only this time face forward. His erection dug into her buttocks.

That bitch had set her up. How long would it take for John to notice she’d gone missing?

I also have the title for you today …


The resultant book will be Erotic Romance.

She’s a hopeful actress.

He’s a mentor.

Then there’s the big man who can make or break a career, and the demands he makes.

Watch this space! πŸ™‚Β 

Twitter: @harmony_kentΒ 

Harmony Kent Author Page:Β Amazon


6 Comments on “AmWriting!-5

    • Thanks so much, Jan! I’m delighted that you love the title and the excerpt πŸ™‚

    • I am at the moment. Hoping I can carry this momentum! It’s taken me about a year, if not longer, to get writing a novel and seeing it through to book form. So, this is my big push! Thanks, Craig πŸ™‚

    • Aw, thanks, Gwen! I’m excited about this one πŸ™‚
      In a minute, I’m going to post amwriting number six, and instead of an excerpt you get a cover reveal! πŸ™‚ All the best x