#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRYCHALLENGE #273 #SpecificForm @ColleenChesebro #ButterflyCinquain

Hi everyone! 🙂

Today, I’ve joined Colleen’s weekly TankaTuesday challenge, which asks for us to create a specific syllabic poem based on the Butterfly Cinquain. 

As ever, we need to avoid ‘ing’ ending words if at all possible.

You can find Colleen’s post HERE.


For this week’s challenge, Colleen asked Sally Cronin to select a syllabic form for us to learn more about. Her choice was the Butterfly Cinquain.


Did you know the Butterfly Cinquain isn’t, actually, a Cinquain? It’s a nine-line poem. The Butterfly Cinquain uses the syllable count of the Crapsey Cinquain and then reverses it. The name comes from the butterfly shape it creates when centred on the page.

The Butterfly Cinquain is an unrhymed, nine-line syllabic poem with 2-4-6-8-2-8-6-4-2 syllables per line. 


Broken Wings


dead or damaged?

I barely made it here

our emotional wounds can kill

the same

as the most-deadly of weapons

when will I know it’s safe

to bare my soul

once more?



I hope you enjoyed today’s poetry. Because of the subject I’ve written on, I’m also adding that I’m doing fine. The poem isn’t from a current event. Have a lovely day! 🙂


© Harmony Kent 2022


52 Comments on “#TANKATUESDAY Weekly #POETRYCHALLENGE #273 #SpecificForm @ColleenChesebro #ButterflyCinquain

  1. Beautifully said Harmony! Emotional wounds don’t show but are most deadly. Thanks for explaining the form of this poem. I’ve never tried it. 😊

  2. Reminds me very much of teen angst. When we think the world completely stops. But we do recover!! 💖

  3. I love this comment form, Harmony. Would you share the name with me? Now, I loved the emotions you expressed in this poem. Even better, is to know you are doing all right. Those emotional wounds… The other day, I found this saying and wanted to share it with you. I am a child of this earth. I realize my own true worth. When times are tough, I hold this stone, reminding me I’m not alone. 💜

  4. What a heartfelt write, Harmony and thanks for the disclaimer. ❤️🙂

  5. A powerful poem, Harmony. And I’m glad you added the disclaimer.

  6. Great and very expressive, Harmony! Thanks for partizipating, and have a nice week! xx Michael