Smorgasbord Cafe and Bookstore – Author Updates – Reviews – #Humour Lizzie Chantree, #Design Valentina Cirasola, #Writing Harmony Kent

Hi everyone. I had a wonderful surprise when I logged on this morning! Sally has showcased my book, Polish Your Prose, over at her bookstore and cafe today (doing my happy dance)!

And I must give a special thanks to Joanna Cates for her wonderful review!

Sally and Joanna have made my whole day! 🙂 >>>


Welcome to the Monday edition of the Cafe and Bookstore Update with recent reviews for authors on the shelves. The first book today with a recent review is If You Love Me I’m Yours by award winning…

Source: Smorgasbord Cafe and Bookstore – Author Updates – Reviews – #Humour Lizzie Chantree, #Design Valentina Cirasola, #Writing Harmony Kent

4 Comments on “Smorgasbord Cafe and Bookstore – Author Updates – Reviews – #Humour Lizzie Chantree, #Design Valentina Cirasola, #Writing Harmony Kent

    • I’m so thrilled with the review. Sally is so generous and loves surprising us! Thanks, Diana 🙂