Push Me Off the Cliff by Marina Osipova @marosikok #NewBook #Russia

Hi everyone. It gives me great pleasure to host fellow author and friend, Marina Osipova, with her latest book, Push Me Off the Cliff. I’ve read other books of hers, and they show the adversity of wartime Russia in all its stark horror, as well as human bravery and perseverance. I’ll let Marina tell you more about her new release >>>


Hi everyone. Thanks to Harmony for hosting me today.ย 

My pleasure!

As was the case with my other stories set against the backdrop of WWII, the inspiration for Push Me Off the Cliff came from what I consider my mission as a writer: to tell the whole world about how my countrymen suffered and endured but came out victors.

About the Book:

March of 1948. Three years have passed since the Great Patriotic War ended in victory, disposing into the streets of the destroyed and hungry cities and villages brave decorated soldiers: thousands of them having been burned, maimed, or disfigured beyond recognition.

On a crowded commuter train, Maria hears an invalid singing, which painfully connects her to her time at the front and to the love that failed to happen to her. Why, then, since that day, does the voice from the past echo so insistently in her present life? The torture of uncertaintyโ€”was it really Armen?โ€”intensifies after the next encounter and leaves her with an unsettling compulsion to do . . . what? Help him? Or, rather, rescue herself from her lonely and unassuming existence her heart subtly rejects? She must decide whether she is willing to let go of the life she knows for feelings she had never thought she could experience.ย 

But, first, she has to find him.

As the genocide of 1915 within the Ottoman Empire destroyed the lives of Armenโ€™s parents and about one-and-a-half-million ethnic Armenians, his future is shattered by this other war and betrayal. Legless and totally alone, and without any family after his mother is gone, it seems the most merciful thing for him would be to end his miserable existence by leaping off a cliff. Otherwise, he must find the courage to continue living in the condition the war left him and find his place in the bitter every-day reality full of difficulties prone to men like him.

Maria and Armen. Each carries private wounds. In the face of despair, will fate offer them a chance to heal their souls and hearts?



Marina Osipova was born in East Germany into a military family and grew up in Russia where she graduated from the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives. She also has a diploma as a German language translator from the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages. In Russia, she worked first in a scientific-technical institute as a translator then in a Government Ministry in the office of international relations, later for some Austrian firms. For seventeen years, she lived in the United States where she worked in a law firm. Eventually, she found her home in Austria. She is an award-winning author and a member of the Historical Novel Society and a member of the Historical Novel Society.

Pre-order Link:

Push Me Off the Cliff goes live on Sunday, May 9th. You can get your copy here …

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17 Comments on “Push Me Off the Cliff by Marina Osipova @marosikok #NewBook #Russia

  1. This sounds like an interesting read. I like learning about true events through fiction- it stays in my pea-brain better, lol.
    Best of luck, Marina!

  2. This sounds like a fascinating read, and I do enjoy historical fiction. Happy to meet Marina here today ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. This sounds like an intriguing read and what a varied life this author has led. Thank you for the introduction, Harmony!

    • Both Marinaโ€™s books and her life are so different than Iโ€™m used to. Thanks, Jan ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Marina certainly writes about an interesting subject. Thanks, John ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Youโ€™re so welcome, Marina. Best of luck with the new release ๐Ÿ™‚