#NewBook: The Soul Whisperer’s Decision by G M Plano @gmplano #Death #ChristianFiction #PTSD #bookreview

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Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday.

Today, I’d love to share Gwen Plano’s brilliant new release: The Soul Whisperer’s Decision! I got an early look at this excellent read and highly recommend this book. Below is a bit about the book and my review …

About the Book:

Sarah Jameson, a nurse at County Central Hospital, survives an accident that kills her two young children. While comatose, she travels into the heavenly realm where she visits with her precious little ones. She is given a choice – return to her husband, Jack, or remain with her children in their celestial home.

Jack was not in the fated automobile. Though he heard the crash and ran to help, there was nothing he could do. He suffers the loss of his children, fears the potential demise of his wife, and wonders about his own sanity. His struggle with PTSD from his military years has returned and at times, he cannot distinguish between the present and the past.

An accident tragically changed the lives of this young family, but out of sorrow emerges unexpected blessings.

Book Review:


A story of light in the dark. Of hope in the horror. And, most of all, the importance of perseverance.


book cover for the soul whisperer's decision by g m plano‘A red playground ball bounces in front of Sarah while she wanders home after an eight-hour shift at County Central Hospital. She chuckles and turns to look for the children who sent the ball her way. Three boys scramble toward her, laughing as they run. Sarah joins in the revelry, throws the ball back to the kids, and lets go of the tensions of a busy Saturday in the Emergency Room.’ From this happy opening paragraph, the author takes us into a situation where the unimaginable happens, and the struggle for not only physical, but mental survival which ensues.

After an unimaginable tragedy, a family is splintered and scattered into the wind. As ever with Gwen Plano’s writing, this author walks the reader with skill though the highs and lows, the horror, the worries and practical necessities in the aftermath. Her spiritual life, openness, and love for all shines through in her words. The sense of horror in the opening pages soon turns to the kindness of strangers, the healing of distant family, and the strength of a bond for life. Below are some lines that stayed with me:

‘Time blurs when dreams fade. The present, without its past, drifts obscurely before us.’

And …

‘We don’t need words to pray. Our feet can do it for us.’

And …

Sunlight glimmers from the morning dew, and the scarlet blossoms vibrate with life.’ … A lovely reminder of the importance of noticing the small joys of life in a world where most of us are too busy to stop and see. 

With the intricately woven plot, deep dive into raw grief, and lively banter, this author brings the characters to life and makes this a book you live as well as read. As you may have guessed, The Soul Whisperer’s Gift gets a solid 5 stars. Go and read this book!


NOTE ON RATINGS:  I consider a 3-star rating a positive review. Picky about which books I give 5 stars to, I reserve this highest rating for the stories I find stunning and which moved me. 


4 STARS: I WOULD PULL AN ALL-NIGHTER — Go read this book.

3 STARS: IT WAS GOOD! — An okay read.  Didn’t love it. Didn’t hate it. 

2 STARS: I MAY HAVE LIKED A FEW THINGS —Lacking in some areas: writing, characterisation, and/or problematic plot lines.

1 STAR: NOT MY CUP OF TEA —Lots of issues with this book.

And now for some backstory from Gwen:

I have a special interest in the Near-Death Experience phenomenon. Since the 1980s, I’ve read original research of accounts, and I’ve also read numerous books by survivors. Though I’ve not experienced an NDE, I’ve had several inexplicable experiences of a loving presence at times of great duress.

For ten years, 2002 – 2012, I was an administrator at a college near Camp Pendleton in California. I worked directly with the Marine veterans and, to a lesser degree, veterans from the other branches of the military. I quickly discovered that almost all the Marines suffered PTSD and/or physical injuries from their service in Iraq or Afghanistan. I became their advocate and tried to provide a ‘safe’ place for the veterans to meet, hang out, and process. To this day, my experience with the veterans remains the highlight of my thirty years in Higher Education.  

When I wrote The Soul Whisperer’s Decision, I sought to illuminate the struggles of those who have experienced extreme violence. And, as well, I tried to show the healing power of love. None of us can erase our past or another’s, but by our choices, we can carve a hopeful future for ourselves and others.



Amazon:   https://bit.ly/488Ziay

Barnes & Noble: https://bit.ly/48aWmdu


BLOG: www.gwenplano.com ( https://bit.ly/48AKRvE )

Thanks for stopping by, everyone. Both Gwen and I would be delighted to hear your thoughts in the comments below! 💕😊

33 Comments on “#NewBook: The Soul Whisperer’s Decision by G M Plano @gmplano #Death #ChristianFiction #PTSD #bookreview

  1. Thank you, dear Harmony, for your thoughtful and supportive review of The Soul Whisperer’s Decision. It means the world to me. ❤️

  2. What a spectacular review, Harmony. You’re right that Gwen has a wonderfully calm, gentle, and loving presence. Her inspiration for the book makes it all the more intriguing. It’s sitting in my kindle and I can’t wait to dive in. Congrats to Gwen on the release and fabulous review. <3

    • Thank you, Jacqui. I have so many wonderful books ‘waiting patiently’ for my read. When the time comes for this book, I hope you enjoy the story. 😊

  3. This sounds like a heart-wrenching read that requires tissues being handy. Congrats to Gwen on the fabulous review and new release!

    • As always, Gwen knows how to bring us close to her characters! Thanks, Teri 💕🙂

    • Thank you, Teri, for your encouraging words of congratulations. I’m in awe of Harmony’s review. 😊

  4. What a terrific review, Harmony. I loved the idea of living a book as opposed to just reading it. Brilliant comment. Congratulations to Gwen.

    • Gwen did a fantastic job with this latest release! Thanks so much, John 💕🙂

    • Thank you so much, John, for your kind words and encouragement. Harmony’s review blew me away. 😊

    • I very much agree with you, Priscilla, about Harmony’s review. It is wonderful. 😊