#NewBook: A Voice in the Silence by D L Finn @dlfinnauthor

Promotional banner for D L Finn's book A Voice in the Silence

Hi everyone! Today it gives me enormous pleasure to have fellow author, Story Empire contributor, and friend, D L Finn, over to visit and tell us all about her new book! Today is release day, and I’m so excited to have my pre-ordered copy drop into my ereader this morning! So, while I get busy reading, I’ll hand over to Denise so she can tell you all about A Voice in the Silence >>>

Thank you, Harmony, for inviting me to your beautiful blog to share my latest release, A Voice in the Silence. 😊

You’re so welcome, Denise! It’s lovely to have you over to visit, and I wish you all the best with your new book πŸ™‚

I use my experience of living in the forest and being cut off from the world in A Voice in the Silence. If our antique landline goes down, we lose the internet, even having a generator. Our local phone company doesn’t fix landlines, or their DSL equipment, beyond a few band aids. They plan to turn off all landlines soon. Imagine being cut off from news during a fire, or unable to call 911 if you need help in these instant information times. We’ve been there and are now going to be there much more often without a cell signal at our home. Not something I had to worry about moving to the forest years ago, but I’m working on a solution. Although that isolation makes for great fiction which is used in this story. So, even in our connected world, there are still places that aren’t, and Drea and Adam find themselves in that situation.

Fun Finn Facts

  1. We have one dog, five cats, and a goldfish.
  2. The animals were based on my own animals and their mannerisms.


Book cover for A Voice in the Silence by D L FinnBlurb

Drea Burr has experienced more than her share of loss when a stray dog, cat, and rat enter her life. Although the animals start to mend her broken heart, there is something very unusual about them. During a snowstorm, Drea discovers a chilling set of footprints leading to her front window. Both the police and a ghostly messenger warn her about a killer stalking widows. Help comes from her late husband’s best friend, Adam Hale. As the two try to discover answers, more questions ariseβ€” about a killer, ghosts, and animals experimented on in a lab.

Can Drea and Adam survive the threats coming from so many directions and save themselves and the animals they’ve grown to love? Or will more tragedy destroy her second chance at happiness? Find out in this thrilling, cozy paranormal adventure.



The fading day’s dull orange glow filled the void in Drea’s attention usually occupied by the TV and computer. The landscape held no movement, not even the expected high winds that had caused her power to be shut off to prevent forest fires. A surge shot through her body in the same uncomfortable fashion that the flu had done last week. But it wasn’t a virus relapseβ€”it was a warning that someone, or something, was watching her.Β 

Perhaps it was a wild animal. A deer, or evenΒ .Β .Β . β€œRob, is that you?” She held her breath, waiting for a sign. Finally, she blew out the empty hope when she couldn’t keep it in anymore. Two years of this had worn her down.

The cold gun on her lap offered no protection against the dark thoughts that took her to a place that was getting harder to climb out of. She pulled her sweater tightly around her and scrutinized the tree-lined driveway that led to the curvy country road. She shifted her weight in the yellow-and-white lounge chair and studied the weapon in her hand.

β€œYou understand, don’t you?”

The .45 pistol her husband had bought her for protection ten years ago had become her confidant when she tired of talking to ghosts. Today, though, it carried the heavy weight of her existence.

β€œIt’s too much. Just too much loss. I’m so alone, and to top it off, Robbie’s so far away.” Her throat tightened. She sipped some water and took a deep breath. β€œI must disappoint you, even thinking about using this gun on myself, Rob. It would devastate Robbie if I—”

Drea’s shoulders slumped, and her head followed when her glance caught a prominent headline in the morning paper she had retrieved from the end of the driveway. An unidentified woman’s body had been found, and a killer was on the loose. She used the gun to cover the fearful headline, even though her chances of being murdered by a serial killer were slim to none.

She shook her head. What she needed to focus on was her relationship with her son. They used to be so close, before he met that woman. Now he barely called his mother to check on her after his father died or when her beloved pets passed. This morning had brought an unwelcome text from him.

Tammy isn’t feeling well. It wouldn’t be a good time to visit right now. Sorry, Mom. I’ll talk to you soon. Love you.

β€œI hope he wakes up someday, Rob. That woman is toxic. Of course, you saw through her the first time you met her. I should have listened to you. Do you hear that, Rob? It’s me admitting I’m wrong, which we both know hardly ever happens.”


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Author photo of D L FinnAuthor Bio

D. L. Finn is an independent California local who encourages everyone to embrace their inner child. She was born and raised in the foggy Bay Area, but in 1990 she relocated with her husband, kids, dogs, and cats to Nevada City, in the Sierra foothills. She immersed herself in reading all types of books but especially loved romance, horror, and fantasy. She always treasured creating her own reality on paper. Finally, surrounded by towering pines, oaks, and cedars, her creativity was nurtured until it bloomed. Her creations include adult fiction, poetry, a unique autobiography, and children’s books. She continues on her adventure with an open invitation to all readers to join her.





D.L. Finn Links:





D.L. Finn blog

Author Amazon Page



66 Comments on “#NewBook: A Voice in the Silence by D L Finn @dlfinnauthor

  1. Got my copy this morning! Would a wind-up radio give you any reception in an emergency?

    • Thank you,,Jscquie πŸ™‚ I hope you enjoy it! We do have a wind up radio. It eould depend if they were talking about it on local radio channel. We’d lose the immediate information from internet or calls.

  2. Thank you for hosting Denise, Harmony! Congratulations on your new release, Denise! Your excerpt certainly captures the sense of isolation your character feels. Is sounds like you do your share of roughing it in the woods where you live! Thank God for fur-babies!

    • Thank you, Patty πŸ™‚ I may a time or two under my belt with the isolation factor. Yes, I agree thank God for fur babies and the help of friends xo

  3. HI Harmony, this is a most intriguing storyline. There are a lot of rural places in South Africa that don’t have cell phone signals and you are quite isolated when you visit them. I am not a big fan of that at all and I would be far to creeped out to live in such a place permanently. I saw you had updated your reading progress on this book on Goodreads. I look forward to your review.

    • It would be so unusual these days to be so isolated for most of us, unlike how many of us grew up!
      I’m at 26% and enjoying the read immensely. Thanks for stopping by and all your support πŸ’•πŸ™‚

    • Thanks, Robbie:) I hope we don’t get to the point where they completely take away our lines of communication. Fortunately, people are starting to fight it. Fingers crossed that goes well for all of us. But it does make for great settings in fiction.

  4. I got my copy this morning and began reading on my lunch break. Didn’t want to stop. Congrats and wishing you much success, Denise.

    Thanks for hosting today, Harmony.

    • I’m at 26% right now, lols. Great stuff! Thanks, Joan πŸ’•πŸ™‚

    • Thank you, Joan. That makes me so happy to hear. I bet you are going to like Jane and the rest as much as I did.

    • Thank you, Debby. The animals balance it all out πŸ™‚ I hope you enjoy it. Happy reading xo

    • I’m excited to share this new release, Molly. Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

    • Thank you, Balroop πŸ™‚ So happy you enjoyed the excerpt and thrilled it inspired you to read more xo

  5. A huge congratulations to Denise!! I know everyone is going to enjoy this story. Great excerpt! Thank you for hosting, Harmony!

  6. Your isolated living situation sounds just like mine, Denise. I love it but it can be a challenge! Congrats on the release. I was waiting for today to arrive and just got my copy. And thanks for hosting, Harmony. Amazon is going to love me today because I just picked up your new one too!

    • I do love how and where I live too. But you are right it is not without some challenges. Yay for copies arriving! Thank you, Diana. Happy reading xo

  7. Congratulations, Denise. I’m so looking forward to reading this latest jewel. Thank you, Harmony, for showcasing Denise today. I’m even more excited to read A Voice In The Silence. πŸ’—

    • Thank you, Gwen πŸ™‚ I think I enjoyed this one the mos, being able to have animals characters. Happy reading xo

    • I love finding those new books delivered. All shiny and new. Happy reading xo

    • It sounds like a great read, and I’m itching to get to my ereader to start on it! Thanks, Annette πŸ’•πŸ™‚

    • Thank you, Annette πŸ™‚ That’s a good way to describe release day. Xo

  8. Thank you for sharing release day with me, Harmony πŸ™‚ hugs xo

    • It’s my pleasure! Wishing you every success, Denise. A Voice in the Silence has landed in my ereader today, and I’m excited to read it πŸ’•πŸ™‚

    • Thank you, Yvette πŸ™‚ You were a huge help with it. Xo

    • I’m so looking forward to reading this! Thanks, Yvi πŸ’•πŸ™‚