#NaPoWriMo: A Poem A Day – Day 22
Hi everyone! Today is day Twenty-Two of the national poetry month competition. Two-thirds of the way through, already!
Here’s my offering >>>
[Instructions:] From NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-Two … In honour of today’s being the 22nd day of Na/GloPoWriMo 2022, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that uses repetition. You can repeat a sound, a word, a phrase, or an image, or any combination of things.

Leaves of Absence
by your leave
I’ll take my leave
leave me be
leave no legacy
stains of love you left
stains of loss you left
left me in the lurch
left me all alone
by your leave
I’ll take my leave
leave me be
leave no legacy
what you left
other than your earthly remains
remains to be seen
I search up, down, right, ‘n left
by your leave
I’ll take my leave
leave me be
leave no legacy
bitter leaves of memory
litter leaves of the mind
leaves everywhere foggy
leaves all in shades of grey
by your leave
I’ll take my leave
leave me be
leave no legacy
leave no legacy
For today’s prompt asking for repetition, I chose to try an Antanaclasis. Antanaclasis is wordplay characterised by the repetition of the same word in a poem or specific line, but having a different meaning each time. I had fun playing with the many meanings of “leave” and it’s variations. Interesting that I’ve come up with a down-beat poem on a morning I’m feeling upbeat. I hope you enjoy today’s poem, which I left free-style for a change.
Have a wonderful day, everyone, and I’ll see you tomorrow with Day Twenty-Three on the NaPoWriMo 30 Day Poetry Challenge 🙂
© Harmony Kent 2022
I loved reading your ‘leave’ collage Harmony–very evocative.
Thanks so much, Arti 💕🙂
This may be my favorite yet. Wonderful way to use repetition. You’ve done it in a way that makes the reader aware yet doesn’t distract. Great job!
Yay! Thanks so much, Joan 💕🙂
You did a great job with using repetition for amazing effect, Harmony.
Thanks so much, Mae 💕🙂
This is such an interesting form, Harmony. Your poem was sublime- I loved the choice of word, refrain and the theme.
Thanks so much, Smitha 💕🙂
The repetition is amazing, Harmony! So beautifully crafted. ❤️😊
Thanks so much, Punam! 💕🙂
I like the fun word play in this, Harmony 🙂
Thanks, Denise 💕🙂
I enjoyed this, Harmony. Like some other commenters have mentioned, the repetition makes it very song like.
Thanks so much, Priscilla 💕🙂
Very cool, Harmony! I like the repetition and word play. 🙂
Thanks, Yvi! 💕🙂
The repetition gives it a song-like quality.
Thanks, Jane 💕🙂
Fantastic, Harmony. I could hear this as a song with the chorus repeated. Even though it’s sad, I love it!
Oh, Jan, that’s fantastic! Thanks so much 💕🙂
Interesting and organic levels of deep wordplay.
I like this, but it is also very sad . . .
Thanks, Desdi 💕🙂
I just love how you are always introducing me to poetic styles that are new to me! Great job here!
That’s brilliant! Thanks so much, Annette 💕🙂
This is wonderful, Harmony. The repetition was superb.
Fantastic. Thanks so much, John 💕🙂
I really love how you wrote this, Harmony. Beautifully done!
Thanks so much, Kymber! 💕🙂
I sure love your freestyle, Harmony. So cool. But then again, when haven’t I loved something you wrote? Never. You’re so cool (repetition) *wink*
Lols. You can repeat that as much as you like! 😉 Thanks, Selma 💕🙂
This is very very cleverly done. I loved how you used leave to convey so many different meanings.
Thanks so much, Sonia 💕🙂