#BookReview: Liars and Thieves by D Wallace Peach @Dwallacepeach

Hi everyone. Today, I have a book review for you by an author new to me, D Wallace Peach. I loved this read so much that I’ve now added her other books to my ereader and eagerly await her next book in this series.

About the Book:

Behind the Veil, the hordes gather, eager to savage the world. But Kalann il Drakk, First of Chaos, is untroubled by the shimmering wall that holds his beasts at bay. For if he cannot cleanse the land of life, the races will do it for him. All he needs is a spark to light the fire.

Three unlikely allies stand in his way.

A misfit elf plagued by failureβ€”
When Elanalue Windthorn abandons her soldiers to hunt a goblin, she strays into forbidden territory.

A changeling who betrays his homeβ€”
Talin Raska is a talented liar, thief, and spy. He makes a fatal mistakeβ€”he falls for his mark.

A halfbreed goblin with deadly secretsβ€”
Naj’ar is a loner with a talent he doesn’t understand and cannot control, one that threatens all he holds dear.

When the spark of Chaos ignites, miners go missing. But they won’t be the last to vanish. As the cycles of blame whirl through the Borderland, old animosities flare, accusations break bonds, and war looms.

Three outcasts, thrust into an alliance by fate, by oaths, and the churning gears of calamity, must learn the truth. For they hold the future of their world in their hands.

My Review:


A fantastic fantasy read.

I haven’t read this author before and came across this book during its launch tour on varioius blogs on the web. I am so pleased I picked it up and bumped it up my to-read list. I only put it down because life forced me to, lols.

As I read, a few lines stood out for me. I share three here:

1. A clocktower rang the hours, and when night crept into the alleys, he follwed on its heels.

2. Though goblins were permitted anywhere in the Borderland, their right to breathe didn’t equate to a warm welcome.

3. He possessed the ambition of a well-fed cat on a sunny sill.

At the beginning, a dark force attempts to break the veil. When he’s unsuccessful, he sets off events that will have the three races fight and destroy each other for him. The political intrigue, machinations, and manipulations are well written and gripping. And the world-building is wonderfully done, as is the characterisation.

I eagerly await the second book in the series. This book so moved me that I’ve now added D Wallace Peach’s other books to my ereader.

A solid five stars from me.


NOTE ON RATINGS: I consider a 3-star rating a positive review. Picky about which books I give 5 stars to, I reserve this highest rating for the stories I find stunning and which moved me.

4 STARS: I WOULD PULL AN ALL-NIGHTER β€” Go read this book.
3 STARS: IT WAS GOOD! β€” An okay read. Didn’t love it. Didn’t hate it.
2 STARS: I MAY HAVE LIKED A FEW THINGS β€”Lacking in some areas: writing, characterisation, and/or problematic plot lines.
1 STAR: NOT MY CUP OF TEA β€”Lots of issues with this book.

I’d love to hear what you think of this review. Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚


If you’re interested, here are the Amazon links: US and UK

45 Comments on “#BookReview: Liars and Thieves by D Wallace Peach @Dwallacepeach

  1. A fabulous review, Harmony. Diana must be delighted. I like those three sentences you selected, especially the last one.

  2. Thank you so much, Harmony, for bumping up the read and giving the book a try! Your review made me jump up and do a little dance. πŸ™‚ And I’m so appreciative that you took the time to share it here on your blog. That was so sweet of you. Thank you again. Hugs! <3

    • You’re so welcome! I loved the book and look forward to reading more. Hugs x 😊

  3. I’ve read a number of books by Diana and have been enthralled by all of them. Her world building is always amazing, same with her characters. And her way with words is exquisite. I’m a huge fan of lyrical writing, and Diana does it so well.
    Liars and Thieves is on my Kindle and my TBR list. I’m really looking forward to this one. I know it will be a treat.
    Great review, Harmony!

    • I’m sure you’ll love it. I look forward to reading Diana’s other books. Thanks, Mae πŸ™‚

    • Thanks so much for the wonderful comment, Mae. I’m getting lots of smiles in this morning. My face is going to hurt after a while. Lol. Harmony’s review gave me a huge boost and I couldn’t be more grateful. Hugs.

  4. Oh, Harmony! Now that you’ve discovered Diana’s work, you are in for a treat. While you are waiting for Book 2, I highly recommend you check out her other books. Sunwielder is a great favorite of mine (such a novel concept) and Diana already knows how much I love her Shattered Sea series. Especially her hero, Raze. *happy sigh*

    Great to read how much you enjoyed Liars and Thieves. I grabbed my copy on Day 1, and I cannot wait to read it! Super review, Harmony, and best wishes to Diana for record-breaking sales. πŸ™‚

    • I have the Dragon Soul series added to my ereader, but it’s getting the time to read it, lols. So glad we both love this writer too. Thanks, Marcia πŸ™‚

    • Thanks, Marcia. You’re so kind to plug my other books. Lol. I love your enthusiasm, and of course, it’s likewise. When time allows, I’m so curious to hear what you think of this one. No cuties like Raze though. Lol. These characters are all pretty flawed. Thanks for checking out Harmony’s review. I couldn’t be happier this morning. Hugs, my friend.

  5. My Kindle is on fire with books burning to be read. This is one of them. Loved your review, Harmony. (The pull-quotes are a very nice touch; I always enjoy them when reviewers use them but always forget to mark them for my own reviews.)

    • I know what you mean about your kindle being on fire, lols. Glad you enjoyed the review. Thanks, Staci πŸ™‚

    • I can relate, Staci. I’ve probably picked up 30 books during this tour alone. LOL. I really can’t wait to take some time away from writing to just relax and read – like for two months! I like the quotes too. That’s such a lovely touch that I also forget to do. I’m usually to engrossed in a book to remember to write them down. Thanks so much for stopping by to read Harmony’s review! Hugs.

    • Thanks for taking the time to check out the review, Joan. Harmony was so kind to share it. πŸ™‚ I hope that if the fantasy bug bites at some point, you give it a try, but Happy Reading every which way. And Happy Writing. πŸ™‚

  6. Great review, Harmony! I just finished the book and loved it too. I remember each of those lines you listed.

    • Thank you, Denise! Your comment popped open my eyes. Lol. I’m so glad you enjoyed the read. I don’t think I can smile any wider.:-D <3 Have a great day and stay safe with all the fires raging around us.

    • Thanks, Priscilla. Yes, I have cats! And they aren’t very ambitious. Lol. Thanks so much for stopping by to read Harmony’s review. She started my morning with a huge grin. Have a lovely day and take care. πŸ™‚

  7. So glad you’ve found Peach, Harmony! She’s easily one of my favourite writers πŸ™‚ This one in particular is a real winner!

    • Yep, that’s another fave author I’ve found this year. Now I just need more reading time, lols! Thanks, Jessica πŸ™‚

    • Thanks for stopping by, Jess, and for the wonderful comment. I’m so grateful for your support and the enthusiasm of this amazing community. Harmony’s review had me dancing. Have a peaceful, healthy day, my friend, and Happy Writing!

    • Thanks so much for stopping by, Bette. My computer problems seem to have resolved themselves this morning. The WordPress gremlins are gone! Thanks for your patience yesterday and for your visit to Harmony’s to check out her review. I couldn’t be happier. Hugs, my friend.

      • WordPress is playing up for a lot of folks lately. Glad your WP woes are resolved 😊