Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore – Christmas Book Fair – #Writers Denise O’Hagan, #Familydrama Christa Polkinhorn, #Poetry Miriam Hurdle, #Thriller Iain Kelly, #Writers Harmony Kent

My latest non-fiction book, Creative Solutions for the Modern Writer, gets some love over at Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore Christmas Book Fair, along with a wonderful collection of authors and books >>>


Welcome to this year’s Christmas book fair where I will be sharing the books of all the authors on the shelves of the Cafe and Bookstore with their most recent review in the last six months. I will…

Source: Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore – Christmas Book Fair – #Writers Denise O’Hagan, #Familydrama Christa Polkinhorn, #Poetry Miriam Hurdle, #Thriller Iain Kelly, #Writers Harmony Kent

4 Comments on “Sally’s Cafe and Bookstore – Christmas Book Fair – #Writers Denise O’Hagan, #Familydrama Christa Polkinhorn, #Poetry Miriam Hurdle, #Thriller Iain Kelly, #Writers Harmony Kent