How to Publish with KDP: Part Fifteen | Story Empire
Hi everyone, I’m over at Story Empire today with Part Fifteen in my how-to-publish-to-KDP series. Today’s post tackles the mess that’s HTML for some of your book descriptions on KDP but not others >>>
Hello SErs. Harmony here. As promised, here is part fifteen in the post series dedicated to taking a step-by-step look at how to get your finished manuscript from your computer and on sale on Ama…
Source: How to Publish with KDP: Part Fifteen | Story Empire
I should go back and review this series, Harmony. I’m having huge problems with Kindlegen and recently gave up on it. Sigh. Heading over!
I gave up with KindleGen a while ago. Especially as you then lose the option of downloading a mobi file for yourself. I hope you get sorted soon. If not, I recommend Vellum, but sadly that’s for Mac only. You can work around that issue by using a Mac on the Cloud software online, but it all gets so convoluted. Good luck, Diana. 😊