Harmony (About Me)

Indie Author Harmony Kent is an award winning multi-genre author. Her publications include: 

The Battle for Brisingamen (Fantasy Fiction) AIA approved

The Glade (Mystery/Thriller) AIA Approved/BRAG Medallion Honouree/New Apple Literary Awards Official Selection Honours 2015

Polish Your Prose: Essential Editing Tips for Authors (Writing/Editing) New Apple Literary Awards Top Medallist Honours 2015

Finding Katie (Women’s Fiction)

Slices of Soul (Contemporary Poetry)

Interludes (Erotic Short Stories)

Moments (Short Stories and Poetry)

Jewel in the Mud (Zen Musings)

Backstage (Erotic Romance)

FALLOUT (Post-Apocalyptic Dystopia) BRAG Medallion Honouree

The Vanished Boy (Psychological Thriller)

As well as being an avid reader and writer, Harmony also offers reviews and supports her fellow indie authors, Harmony works hard to promote and protect high standards within the indie publishing arena.  She is always on the look out for talent and excellence, and will freely promote any authors or books who she feels have these attributes. 

Well, that’s the official biography … Harmony also has violent tendencies and forced me to add a not quite so official version …

Harmony Kent is famous for her laughter, and has made quite the name for herself … she’s also, um, a writer … and fairly well known for that too. She lives in rural Cornwall with her ever-present sense of humour, adorable husband, and quirky neighbours. Read on for ten things Harmony thinks you should know about her … Ten Things:

  1. Born in 2013 (at least the author was …)

  2. Really boring

  3. Has absolutely no sense of humour

  4. Biographer is a compulsive liar

  5. Reads … a lot

  6. Writes … even more

  7. Completely sane(in)

  8. Neighbours are nuts (so Harmony fits right in!)

  9. If you’re feeling extra brave, she’s around

  10. Online …

Website: www.harmonykent.co.uk

Twitter: @harmony_kent 

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/HarmonyK

Amazon US Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Harmony-Kent/e/B00CO0AR7U/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1

Amazon UK Author Page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Harmony-Kent/e/B00CO0AR7U/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1

14 Comments on “Harmony (About Me)

  1. One of the most honest ‘Abouts’ I’ve read. After reading yours I need to spice mine up. 🙂

    What an amazing collection of work you have written. I hope you find time to sleep. Well done.

  2. Hi Harmony:

    I love to meet the hostess, plus I’m a sucker for all people and places British (I am a McConnell, after all). Thanks for hosting Spooning Daisy.


  3. I’ve just downloaded “Finding Katie” and will move it as far as possible up my overlong ‘read and review’ list! I confess I don’t normally read books in the continuous present; but the opening chapters were gripping enough to make me want to make an exception in this case. It seemed an appropriate form for your storytelling protagonist.
    Fowey is a beautiful part of the world. Yes, I have been to The Eden Project – I went as part of my research for Book 1. I went to my locations in Ireland too – the Boyne Valley – while I was writing Book 4 in the series. I think it adds authenticity when writing fantasy to be as accurate as possible about locations.
    But I’ve only been to Avalon in my dreams…

    • Thanks, Robin! I hope Katie doesn’t disappoint. Fowey is so beautiful, and I feel lucky to live here. You did a great job of describing The Eden Project, and I agree that authenticity is so important. Happy dreams in Avalon! 🙂