How to Publish with KDP: Overview and Invitation

Hi everyone … if you’re an indie author, you won’t want to miss this upcoming series >>>

Hello SErs. Harmony here. From January 2020, I plan on running a post series dedicated to taking a step-by-step look at how to get your finished manuscript from your computer and on sale on Amazon …

Source: How to Publish with KDP: Overview and Invitation

4 Comments on “How to Publish with KDP: Overview and Invitation

  1. I’ve done this successfully many times, Harmony, but a series such as this would have been invaluable on the first occasion.

    Do you propose to cover linking paperbacks to eBooks? I ask because I made the mistake not long ago of shortening an eBook subtitle without realising the rules are much stricter for print copies due to the IBSN. They are linked on Amazon, but they look different.

    As it happens, sales of my eBooks have always exceeded paperbacks, so I shan’t change back, but I won’t make the same mistake again either.