First Five Friday 10/07

Hello and welcome to First Five Friday!

When writing a novel, authors are advised to make the first five lines pop. These are what need to catch the reader’s attention from the get go. So, each Friday, I shall share with you the first five lines from a book that caught my attention, and then I’ll do a bit of show and tell, where I make up Five First Lines on the spot. Feel free to comment, and leave Five Lines of your own! 🙂 If you have read a book where the opening lines impressed you, please do share! For any books I post on First Five Friday, you will find the UK Amazon link in the title link, and the US Amazon link by clicking on the book cover.

Last week we looked at First Five Lines from Zoe Cannon. This week we have the opening lines from Daydream’s Daughter, Nightmare’s Friend by Author Nonnie Jules.

ddnf11Birds singing. The sun trying to find her perfect spot on the horizon. Marisa still sitting in bed after another sleepless night. This was the order of all her mornings. As she looked down on Walter’s sleeping face, a sadness washed over her as it always did when the memories of her awful secrets invaded her thoughts.

In these opening lines, the contrast between the peaceful setting and the turmoil within Marisa is brilliant. Immediately, the reader wants to know what awful secrets the woman has. In just these five lines, the author has laid out the premise for the story and pulled the reader into Marisa’s world.

The best books lure you inside, and then slam the door shut behind you. 

Okay, time for me to write Five First Lines for today:

When you lie, your right eye twitches. Always has. What are you trying to hide? Don’t lie to me. Because I know. I always know.

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to come lurk in my lair next Friday, where we’ll have more Five First Lines! 🙂 

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